31 października 2010

Halloween'owa wiadomość od Ariel

Parę minut temu Ariel opublikowała krótką wiadomość na temat Halloweenu na swoim Twitterze:

Hey Friends,

Hope everyone is having a great Halloween weekend. Im going to a Halloween Party this evening and I'm so excited. Just wanted to take a minute to say I do not celebrate Halloween as a holiday because of my personal beliefs. I celebrate good friends and dressing up in fun attire to have fun and eat some treats. Is this OK if you don't believe in the holiday? Well I think so. I just want to make my Halloween fun because its not a holiday for me. I guess what I'm saying is,, its what you make it. Im making mine fun and gonna get my candy on. So stay safe, check all candy before eating it if you go Trick or Treating, and if your going to a party have good clean fun and don't drink and drive, if your of age. Its not only dangerous for you, but for everyone else on the road. So I guess what I'm saying is have a Great Halloween. I know i will.


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