23 października 2010

Następna wiadomość od Ariel na temat Destinee i Paris

Na Twitterze Ariel pojawiła się kolejna wiadomość. Tym razem dotyczy ona Destinee i Paris i Clique Girlz. Pisze tam o tym, co myśli o nowym bio na facevooku dziewczyn. I to, co mi się spodobało najbardziej to to, że napisała, iż wciąż spotyka się i umawia czasem z D&P. Cieszę się, że wciąż uznają się za przyjaciółki i nie są do siebie wrogo nastawione :) Przeczytajcie sami:

Hi friends!!

First of all I want thank everyone for all the love and support for the new No More Drama. We are so excited for you all to see what we have going on. We are so busy in the studio and in rehearsals. The way you have embraced the new No More Drama girls, Lorelei and Brianne is incredible. You really made them feel at home, which they are in No More Drama.

On a completely different note and the reason for my bulletin, I recently got an outpouring of direct messages, comments, emails and letters about the recent posted bio of Destinee and Paris. Everyone has been asking if it bothers me, hurts my feelings, or makes me mad. To answer all of your questions....NO!

Since my departure from the Clique Girlz, Destinee, Paris and I have been on separate paths in our careers. I want all of my fans to know that I support Destinee and Paris 100% and they support me as well. The girlz and I are old childhood friends from Egg Harbor Township, NJ and we will always remain friends. We keep in touch and even run into each other in rehearsals from time to time. We hug and catch up on what's going on with each other.

Many of you have reacted to their change in their bio, since many of you have been our fans since the Clique Girlz and upset at the deletion of my name. Most of you say..."It's like you all of a sudden never existed"! Please note that this has not affected me at all!! Since the formation of No More Drama, I do not mention Destinee and Paris in my current group. They too are part of my past and we all are working currently in our present and future! I pray for their success and they do mine and I will support them and love them as I always have since we were playmates in NJ! We have had amazing memories together singing, recording and traveling. They will never be erased. Mentioning each other in our bios would be pointless at this time in our career. My girls Kimi, Aliyah, Lorelei and Brianne are awesome girls and great friends. They are tremendously talented, beautiful and have great souls. I thank God everyday for bringing them to my lives. They make every day exciting and joyful for No More Drama!! They rock!!!

From opening for the Backstreet Boys, touring with the Cheetah Girls, and all of the national anthems and recordings, the Clique Girlz will always be a beautiful memory, and songs like "Incredible", "Then I Woke Up" "Difference In Me" will always be there as a reminder of a great group of 3 little girls with big voices and cool harmonies. It's time to move forward. Keep your eyes open for No More Drama as well as Destinee & Paris and what's coming up! You'll be as excited as we are!

I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving me and all the girls.


Co o tym myślicie? Cieszycie się, że Destinee i Paris i Ariel wciąż się przyjaźnią i spotykają? :)

1 komentarz:

  1. Napisałam notke z najlepszym blogiem ( tzn. moim zdaniem najlepszy ) znasz może lespzy ? napewno nie wejdź i sama zobacz w mojej notce adres tego super bloga ! ;) ikony-by-me

    PS Sorki za spam ale to prawda !

