31 marca 2011

Ariel Moore opuszcza NMD (?)

Jestem.w.szkoku. Ariel napisała tę wiadomość na Twitterze:

Hi Friends,

As you all know for the past year in a half I have been involved with a group project with Howie Dorough. At this point our contract with him is now up and do to his busy schedule will not be renewed. Do to the fact that Howie will no longer be involved with the project I myself have also decided to move on. Howie and I remain friends and I will always look to him for direction in my career. I have made great friends and worked with a lot of talented people and will never forget the experience. I wish everyone that I have worked with in this project the best in their future endeavors. I am moving on to other projects as we speak and am extremely excited about what the future holds for me and what lies ahead. I will keep you up to date and give you all the play by play as I can. Thank you for all your support, you really will never know how much it all means to me.



Zazwyczaj nie pisze tłumaczen do tego typu wiadomosci, czy zrozumiecie ich tekst czy nie, to juz wasz zakres, ale tym razem zdecydowalam sie napisac tłumaczenie...
Od razu mowie - nie jest to wrzucone na google translate czy cokolwiek innego, tłumaczyłam to sama, wiec bardzo prosze o nie kopiowanie-wklejanie na jakiekolwik inne strony,chociaz nie zauwazylam jesczez innej polskiej strony poswieconej NMD. Dziękuję. :)

Cześć, Przyjaciele 
Jak wszyscy wiecie, od półtora roku jestem związana z projektem grupy z Howie Dorough.
W tym momencie  kontrakt z nim skończył się i  do tego jego napięty harmonogram nie zostanie przedłużony.Z powodu faktu, że Howie nie będzie już zaangażowany w projekt, Ja sama również zdecydowałam się pójść naprzód (odejsc,ruszyć się,, zrezygnowac). Howie i ja pozostaniemy przyjaciółmi i zawsze będę wzorować się na nim w mojej karierze. Poznałam wspaniałych przyjaciół i pracowałam z wieloma utalentowanymi ludźmi, nigdy nie zapomnnę tego doświadczenia. Życzczyłabym wszystkim, żebym pracowała z tym projektem w najlepszych swoich przyszłych przedsięwzięciach (?). Ja zaczynam parę innych projektów i jestem bardzo podekscytowaana tym, co przyniesie nam przyszłość i co nas czeka. Będę was informować na bieżąco. Dziękuje wszystkim za wsparcie,  naprawdę nigdy nie będziecie wiedzieć, ile to wszystko dla mnie znaczy.

7 nowych zdjęć z sesji Kimi

Kimi wstawiła na swojego facebooka az 7 zdjec HQ z jej nowej sesji, wszytskie zdjecia zrobione sa przez jej/ich (nmd) kolezanke/fotografke - Marisol Guzman! :)

Lorelei, Breanne I Kimberly w DisneyLandzie

29 marca 2011

Zdjęcia ALissy z jej ostatniego występu

Alissa-Mae śpiewała ostatnio specjalny minikoncert, wszystkie pieniadze z tego wystepu zostana przeznaczone na poszkodowanych z Japonii!
Alissa wstawiła ostatnio na tumblr kilka zdjęć z tego wydarzenia:

26 marca 2011

Wiadomosc od Ariel

Don’t Let Things We Have Or Do, Become Who You Are, Or Your Life!

Why is everything in the world so important to you?

Money, cars, having the latest things, following someone who is also blind to,

Why is that so important to you, and me?

These things of the world are not assets but liabilities,

Money is the root of all evil,

It comes and goes just like the latest things we buy,

These liabilities are just temporary,

But the assets you have in your spirit are for eternity,

Who you are and whats in your heart is what makes you,

You shall sow what you reap,

In other words, what you do to others comes back to you, the good and bad and
you will have all the things you deserve,

So sow a good harvest and give up on being that desperate person,

Things, and Fame, are not what make you, ITS LOVE!

Ask yourself what do you most invest your time in?

Is it shopping, work, computer gaming, The Entertainment industry?

Is it pushing people around and bullying others so you can feel better about yourself and the selfish things you do, and your selfish desires?

If you are that person, STOP NOW, your only hurting yourself in the long run.

We invest so much of our time in having things, and doing things, that will pass away and hurt others, or ourselves.

But those liabilities become our saviour from day to day,

They will either make you, or break you.

Why don’t we start investing our time in what is right and helping others.

Doing the right thing, when your at a crossroads and being tested,

What is more important to you right now in your life? Ask yourself that question.

You will be rewarded for the good things you do and the decisions that you make .

As long as they are from a place of selflessness, and are good for you and your soul and as long as it does not hurt others.

After all, you cannot be happy from someone else's unhappiness.

Is it really that hard a decision to make?



13 marca 2011

Obejrzyj pierwszy liveczat z NMD i "nowymi" dziewczynami-Breanne i Lorelei - z października 2010!

Poniewaz miala na telefonie pare krotrkich klipow z tego czatu,a wideo z niego nigdy nie zostalo zauploadowane na youtube, zdecydowalam sie wreszcie to zrobic....jest to kiepska jakosc,i do tego tylko pare minut,ale zawsze cos! ;) ogladajcie:

Wiadomosc Ariel na temat trzęsienia ziemi w Japonii

Hi Friends,

My heart goes out to my many friends in Japan. Me and my family are hoping and praying that you and your families are safe after the earthquake. My thoughts are with each and every one of you, some of you guys I have known since the beginning of my career such as Johanna (JJ) and Aoi. I love the country of Japan. When I was there singing for the Japanese world series and on their tv shows, I got to experience the graciousness and beauty of the Japanese people. They touched my life in so many ways and it is devastating to me to think that such a terrible thing has happened.

My message to them is this: Don't lose hope, Don't give up, Don't be afraid to ask for help. I love you!

If you guys can, please send me a message to let me know that you are ok. Until then my prayers and love go out to you and your beautiful country. May God uphold you and bless you.

And to my friends around the world, please give what you can to the relief effort. I have been there and I can tell you that the Japanese people are lovely souls with great class and honor. They need to know that we support them. Thank you!

Ariel of NMD

7 marca 2011

Nowe zdjęcie i wideo od Alissy-Mae

ALissa Mae opublikowała dwa nowe zdjęcia z jej urodzin!

Opublikowała też wideo z jej niedawnego wystepu z lutego 2011:
